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A member registered Jul 16, 2017

Recent community posts

It's good to hear you're feeling better. :) Very excited for what's coming up!

Poor clammy woman. But she just can't compete with a dog. lol

We are very exited. :) It's a nice gameplay demo!

I am down for the patreon. It was actually one of the first things I went looking for a couple months back when I first found your work! <3 

Ah yes, summer burns like that level in super mario where the sun is trying to kill you. >.>

But so much work done! So much life happening! We're very excited. :) 

Ohhhh, side story. Fun. <3 

I am super excited to see it updated!

But only the title page updated? 

Loved this so much. ^_^ Very excited for future updates.

Woo! <3 <3 <3

Ok, tried different options and also really love how they all fall together at the end of chapter 2. That was a big wham right there and I hope the following chapters follow up on that Decisions Matter bit. ^_^

I'm really enjoying this so far! ^_^ The music you've picked goes really well with it too. So! Thoughts:

  • What's your favorite character?

Yvanna. It's hard to pick but Yvanna is easy to love, yes. 

  • Did you try the different options, or did you follow only one path?

I started with one path but plan on exploring the others on a different playthrough. 

  • What do you think of the black and white aesthetic?

Love it. I also like the slightly-sketchbook quality to it. Makes it feel a bit like a fairytale. 

  • Would you like to see more colored CGs, like the one at the end of chapter one?

It'd be nice, but not at the expense of other things! The story and pacing is definitely what drives this. 

The translation is a little rough, but this was deeply enjoyable and the graphic work and music is great!